Soulshine Yoga

Soulshine Yoga

Crafting Soulshine Yoga was an absolute delight for me. I purposefully selected a Moroccan design style to infuse the space with intricate details and vibrant colors, creating an environment that would be soothing for guests. To enhance the overall aesthetic, I introduced custom Moroccan lighting fixtures and strategically placed arched mirrors that complement the natural curves of the human body.

A standout feature is the custom mosaic mural adorning one of the walls, adding a unique and artistic touch to the space. The choice of royal blue mats not only brings a visually pleasing element but also ensures easy maintenance, aligning with the practical needs of a yoga studio.

In the design concept, I incorporated a thoughtful addition—a presentation of a yoga shop detail. This serves as both a means of promoting the Soulshine brand and as an avenue for generating additional revenue. By showcasing the potential for a yoga shop within the studio, the presentation board offers a holistic view of how Soulshine can create a distinctive and immersive experience for its patrons while exploring diverse avenues for business growth.