YMCA Welcome Center YMCA Multi-use Space

YMCA Welcome Center YMCA Multi-use Space

Crafting the design for the YMCA space at Virginia Tech was a heartfelt endeavor inspired by the powerful motto, "We Rise By Lifting Others," with a whimsical touch drawn from the imagery of a hot air balloon. This concept not only guided but fueled my creative process, resulting in one of my most cherished projects to date.

Using a dynamic combination of Procreate, Photoshop, and Illustrator, I brought this vision to life on presentation boards that tell a story of community, elevation, and unity. Each stroke in Procreate, every layer in Photoshop, and the precision in Illustrator contributed to the creation of a space that not only embodies the YMCA values but also exudes a unique blend of warmth and inspiration.

By seamlessly integrating the uplifting ethos of "We Rise By Lifting Others" and the buoyancy of a hot air balloon, the design not only meets functional needs but also resonates with a deeper sense of purpose. This project showcases not just my technical proficiency but, more importantly, my dedication to transforming spaces into meaningful, impactful environments.